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Instagrammable Takeaway Packaging

By Anttoni Taimela · 29. May 2024

In the quest for likes, comments, and saves, instagrammable takeaway packaging can set your brand apart.

This article unveils the why and how of crafting packaging that not only looks good on camera but also amplifies your brand’s story.

Prepare to gain insights on selecting colours, prioritising shapes, and integrating sustainable practices—without the fluff.

Read on to find out how your packaging can become a social media sensation.

Crafting Picture-Perfect Takeaway Food Boxes

Chocolate Truffles and Cake Slices Packed in Cardboard Food Box

Chocolate Truffles and Cake Slices Packed in Cardboard Food Box

In the arena of takeout food, the first visual impression of your branded packaging is as crucial as the culinary masterpiece it encases.

It’s not just about keeping the food fresh; it’s about delivering a meal in a box that serves as an ambassador for your restaurant’s identity.

When your takeaway food boxes hit the right notes in design, they become handheld billboards, parading your brand across the city with every delivery.

A Palette That Pops: Choosing Colours

The moment a takeaway box triggers an immediate craving, you’ve experienced the power of colour.

Choosing a palette that pops is like the siren call for foodies scrolling through their feeds.

Whether it’s the fiery red of spicy cuisine or the earthy greens signalling a vegan feast, the colours of your food packaging should be a feast for the eyes, creating an irresistible visual cue that connects your brand to a sensory experience.

Logos and Typography That Tell a Story

branded food packs

branded food packs

Imagine a logo that whispers tales of artisanal eats or typography that screams fast-food fiesta. It’s not just about slapping a name on a box; it’s about print that paints a picture.

By weaving your logo and social media handles into the fabric of your takeaway food packaging, you’re planting the seeds of brand recognition and storytelling, compelling customers to share their meal—and your message—with the world.

Shapes and Structures That Surprise

Who said boxes had to be square? The shape of your packaging can be as innovative as your cuisine, breaking moulds and creating trends.

From the hexagonal havens that house honeycombed desserts to the cylindrical sanctuaries that cradle burritos, unexpected shapes and structures add a layer of intrigue to the unboxing experience.

The Role of Sustainable Materials in Instagrammable Packaging

Sustainable Materials in Reusable Packaging

Sustainable Materials in Reusable Packaging

Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a brand revolution. Over half of your customers are silently judging the environmental impact of your food packaging.

And here’s the kicker: sustainably packaged foods often receive higher ratings in taste and quality.

Serving meals in eco-friendly packaging does not only offer food but also demonstrates your values. And in the world of Instagram, values are visual gold.

Here are some eco-friendly packaging options that can become the canvas for your culinary art:

  • Corrugated paper
  • Biodegradable containers
  • Compostable plates and utensils
  • Bamboo or sugarcane fibre packaging
  • Recycled paper or cardboard

Paper Over Plastic: The Shift Towards Sustainability

Say goodbye to plastic waste and hello to paper-based bliss. The environmental impact of plastic is a dinner conversation no one wants to have.

That’s why the shift towards paper, cardboard, and other biodegradable wonders is not just eco-friendly, it’s environment-savvy business.

From Waste to Wow: Upcycled and Innovative Materials

Turning trash into trendsetting treasures, upcycled and innovative materials are the new kids on the block in the world of takeaway food packaging. Street food vendors are leading the charge, serving up meals with a side of sustainability by featuring biodegradable cutlery and compostable napkins.

This eco-conscious dining approach transcends plastic waste reduction, resonating with the Instagram generation by transforming waste into a visually appealing statement.

Tailored Designs for Diverse Cuisines

Every cuisine has its signature flair, and the packaging should be no different.

Tailoring your takeaway food boxes to reflect your menu’s essence delivers more than just a meal; it offers an experience.

Whether it’s the rustic charm of Italian pasta or the vibrant zest of Mexican fare, matching design elements to the cuisine creates a visual harmony that customers can’t wait to unveil—and share.

Fast Food with Flair

Fast food isn’t just quick; it’s a culture. With bold designs and branding that scream convenience and taste, fast food takeaway packaging becomes iconic.

Think of McDonald’s golden arches, a symbol that transcends languages and borders.

It’s about creating a visual language that’s instantly recognizable and shareable, turning every meal into a potential viral sensation.

Gourmet Delights in Deluxe Boxes

Gourmet food demands gourmet packaging. For those indulgent eats that come with a side of luxury, deluxe boxes made from quality materials set the stage for an exquisite unboxing experience.

When customers feel like they’re unwrapping a gift, complete with the allure of premium textures and designs, they’re more likely to savour the moment—and share it.

Street Food with Style

Street food is the heartbeat of the city, and its packaging should pulse with the same energy.

Creative and culturally inspired designs turn a simple meal into a talking point, attracting customers and encouraging them to share their vibrant finds.

Beyond practicality, street food packaging that tells a story of tradition and innovation invites eaters to become storytellers, sharing their culinary adventures with the world.

Enhanced Functionality Meets Aesthetic Appeal

Gone are the days when functionality and beauty were at odds in the world of takeaway packaging.

Today, the two go hand in hand, as designs that make life easier also capture the heart and the lens of the camera.

When your food packaging not only looks good but also keeps the meal at the perfect temperature, or transforms from a compact box to a communal bowl, you’ve got a winning combination that customers will love to use and share.

Portion Control and Presentation

Compartmentalised packaging is not just a clever way to keep peas from invading the mashed potatoes; it’s a visual guide to portion control and a canvas for culinary presentation.

When meals are perfectly portioned and presented, customers don’t just see a meal; they see:

  • Intention and care that’s easy to appreciate
  • A thoughtful and well-planned dish
  • Attention to detail
  • A visually appealing and appetising plate

Reusable and Transformative Packaging

In a world where sustainability is king, reusable and transformative takeaway packaging is the crown jewel.

Imagine a pizza box that folds into storage containers, or a coffee cup that becomes a plant pot.

These aren’t just eco-friendly choices; they’re conversation starters, sparking joy and engagement with every reuse.

Maximising Exposure Through Customer Engagement

Discussing free marketing might seem mythical, but it becomes a reachable reality with clever packaging design and strategic customer engagement.

When your packaging is designed to be shared, you’re not just sending out a product; you’re starting a movement.

From hashtags to QR codes, the goal is to turn every customer into a brand ambassador, broadcasting their experience to potential customers across the globe.

Beyond the Box: Additional Branding Opportunities

Think outside the box—literally. The power of packaging isn’t confined to the container holding the food; it extends to every branded element that accompanies a meal.

Custom stickers, seals, utensils, and napkins: these are the unsung heroes of brand reinforcement, turning a single interaction into a lasting impression.

Custom Stickers and Seals

Stickers and seals are more than just adornments; they’re the signatures of your brand, crafting a unique identity that stands out in a sea of sameness.

Each custom sticker delivers more than just a sealed package; it offers a piece of your brand’s personality for customers to collect and treasure.

Branded Utensils and Napkins

From the first bite to the last wipe, branded utensils and napkins complete the takeaway food experience.

These items may seem trivial, but they carry the weight of your brand, extending its presence from the meal to the memory.

It’s an opportunity to ensure that your logo and message stay with customers long after the last crumb has been savoured.

Collaborations with Influencers and Designers

Collaborating with influencers and designers brings more than just their followers to your brand; it introduces a surge of creativity and credibility that can enhance your brand’s personality.

Such collaborations can breathe new life into your packaging, turning it into a collector’s item or the next viral sensation.

It’s about leveraging their audience and artistry to create something that’s not just a container, but a conversation starter.

Designer Editions: When Art Meets Appetite

Envision packaging that’s not just functional but collectible, where every release becomes a coveted item for foodies and art aficionados alike.

Designer editions of takeaway boxes blend the hunger for sustenance with the hunger for beauty, creating a crossover hit that satisfies all appetites.

Influencer Input: Co-Creating with Social Media Stars

Influencers, akin to modern Midases, have the ability to turn everything they touch into social gold.

By co-creating packaging designs with social media stars, you tap into a wellspring of inspiration that resonates with the zeitgeist.

Influencers don’t just share; they imbue your packaging with personal anecdotes and endorsements that can set the digital sphere ablaze with shares and likes.


As we seal up our guide to Instagrammable takeaway packaging, remember that your food boxes are more than just containers—they’re canvases for your brand’s story, billboards for its values, and vessels for customer engagement.

From vibrant colours and unique shapes to sustainable materials and collaborations with influencers, every choice in packaging design can amplify your brand’s voice in the digital realm.

Whether it’s through a hashtag, a memorable unboxing experience, or an eco-conscious material choice, the right packaging can turn a meal into a moment, and a moment into a movement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What impact does the colour of takeaway food packaging have on consumer behaviour?
The colour of takeaway food packaging can influence cravings, brand recognition, and consumer behaviour by creating visual cues that connect the packaging to a sensory experience.

How important is sustainability in takeaway food packaging?
Sustainability in takeaway food packaging is crucial, as it not only addresses consumers’ environmental concerns but also positively impacts the perceived taste and quality of the food.

Can the shape of food packaging really influence customer engagement?
Definitely! The shape of food packaging can influence customer engagement by creating a memorable unboxing experience and encouraging social media sharing.

How do contests and rewards incentivize customers to share their takeaway experiences online?
Contests and rewards make sharing experiences fun and interactive for customers, encouraging them to spread the word about the brand on social media and boosting brand exposure. Get ready to see those takeaways shared all over the place!

Are there benefits to collaborating with influencers and designers in packaging design?
Absolutely! Collaborating with influencers and designers can bring a fresh and credible perspective to your packaging, extend your brand’s reach, and result in innovative and shareable designs that can go viral. So, it’s a win-win situation.

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