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Can You Serve Alcohol from Paper Cups?

By Anttoni Taimela · 11. June 2024

Sorting through the options for serving drinks at your event?

Discover in this concise guide which paper cups are appropriate for your favourite alcoholic drinks and how to serve them effectively, without compromising on quality or safety.

Understanding Paper Cups and Alcohol

woman drinking coffee with a disposable paper cup woman drinking coffee with a disposable paper cup

The type of cup you select for serving drinks at your event carries more significance than you may initially assume.

Most paper cups are not designed to manage large concentrations of alcohol, which means a standard cup might not be the best choice if you’re planning to serve strong alcoholic drinks.

While a simple paper cup can comfortably hold your coffee or tea, when it comes to alcoholic beverages, especially those with a higher difference in alcohol percentage, you need to be more selective.

Indeed, manufacturers have the ability to strengthen the cup material, particularly at the bottom, to prevent leakage.

Such a factor is vital, as no host desires to handle the mess or humiliation of drinks leaking from the cups.

Therefore, it becomes imperative to comprehend the relationship between paper cups and alcohol.

Opting for alcohol-proof paper cups is a savvy move, especially if you’re serving drinks with an alcohol content that packs a punch. It’s all about matching the strength of the cup to the strength of the drink.

PLA vs PE 🥤

The secret to a successful paper cup for alcoholic drinks lies in the battle of “pla vs pe coating.” For alcohol-proof paper cups, PE coating is the champion due to its enhanced strength compared to PLA.

PE-coated paper cups are the go-to when serving drinks with an alcohol content higher than 5%.

This is because they are more resilient and better suited for higher alcohol concentration beverages, plus they offer superior leak resistance.

Think of PE coating and PLA coating as the trusty shields that guard your drink against the paper cup’s natural porousness.

With this sturdy armour, your paper cups are coated to handle the vigour of alcoholic beverages without breaking a sweat.

This is paramount to uphold the cup’s integrity and, more importantly, ensure your guests’ enjoyment.

Thus, while organising your event, bear in mind that an appropriate coating can significantly impact serving drinks confidently and stylishly.

Serving Drinks Responsibly 🍹

Responsibility is key when it comes to serving drinks, and that extends to the type of paper cup you use.

Standard paper cups are primarily designed for serving beverages with an alcohol content of under 5%.

When the drink starts to get stronger, and the alcohol percentage exceeds this threshold, these cups may not hold up and start leaking.

This is where alcohol-proof paper cups come into play, as they are tailored to handle more potent alcoholic drinks without compromising the experience.

If you want to serve your guests Malibu, Campari, Absolut Vodka, or other similar drinks with confidence, opting for alcohol-proof paper cups is a must.

Not only will this decision prevent any potential mishaps, but it will also demonstrate a level of care and attention to detail that won’t go unnoticed.

Whether you’re serving cocktails, hot chocolate, or other hot drinks like tea, ensuring that you match the cup to the drink’s alcohol content is a clever thing to do.

The aim is to make astute decisions to guarantee a seamless and enjoyable sipping experience during serving drinks and alcohol tastings.

Alcohol-Ready Options 🍻

Identifying the perfect paper cups to serve your alcoholic beverages starts with a conversation with your suppliers.

Seeking advice from knowledgeable individuals is vital while choosing paper cups for serving beverages.

After all, you wouldn’t want your carefully crafted cocktails to be compromised by an unsuitable vessel.

Suppliers can confirm if their paper cups are designed to handle the unique characteristics of high-alcohol or high-fat drinks.

This ensures that your guests enjoy their beverages just as you intended, with the cup material maintaining its form and function.

When it comes to serving drinks with an alcohol concentration exceeding 5%, it is imperative to use paper cups certified as alcohol-proof.

Your supplier can guide you to the right products that won’t leave your guests with a cup full of disappointment.

By buying paper cups that are up to the task, you can focus on the finer details of your event, secure in the knowledge that your cups won’t let you down.

Remember, the right cup not only serves the drink but also serves the occasion, making it perfect to serve snacks as well.

Spotlight on Sustainability

In an era where the focus on sustainable paper products is more important than ever, it’s heartening to know that there are sustainable options available for your event’s drinkware.

Offering an environmentally friendly substitute to traditional plastic cups, compostable and biodegradable cups align with ecological principles and diminish landfill waste.

These PLA-coated paper cups can decompose in industrial compost facilities, minimising environmental impact and showcasing your commitment to the planet.

Furthermore, some paper cup products proudly feature the Climate neutral label, ensuring that their production and lifecycle emissions are thoroughly managed through reduction and offsetting strategies.

This is a clear expression to your guests that your event isn’t just a celebration of the moment but also a nod to a sustainable future.

With these green choices, you can raise a glass to not only the joy of the occasion but also the well-being of our environment.

Tips for Serving Alcohol in Paper Cups 🍸

friends eating pizza and drinking alcohol in paper cups friends eating pizza and drinking alcohol in paper cups

The confluence of paper cups and alcohol is not without its considerations.

A considerate approach towards aspects such as cup material, coating, and alcohol concentration is required while serving alcohol in paper cups.

These elements are crucial to ensuring that your guests enjoy their drinks without interruption or mishap.

So, let’s dive into some tips that will keep your celebrations fluid and your spirits high—without any unwanted leaks!

Choosing Your Cups Wisely 🥤

Selecting the right paper cups for your event parallels choosing the ideal outfit for a special occasion— it’s all about appropriateness and creating a positive impression.

Standard paper cups are typically suited for serving alcoholic beverages with low fat percentages and an alcohol content under 5%.

However, when you pour drinks with higher concentrations of alcohol or fat, the integrity of a standard paper cup may be compromised, potentially leading to leakage or breakage.

This is where your selection becomes crucial.

It’s a clever thing to stay clear of waxed and PE coated paper cups for very high alcohol concentration drinks as alcohol’s strong permeability can cause the cups to leak.

This is one instance where going for a cheaper solution might end up costing you more in the long run.

So, when you’re buying paper cups, make sure to choose those designed to keep the contents warm, or cool, and contained. After all, no one wants their celebration marred by a cup catastrophe.

Leakage Prevention Tactics 💧

In terms of leak prevention, all paper cups are not made the same.

PE-coated paper cups are treated with a film of polyethylene, a substance that doesn’t dissolve in water and is safe for food processing, making them suitable for alcoholic beverages.

This waterproof and oil-proof film enhances the cup’s ability to hold beverages securely. For drinks with higher alcohol concentrations, alcohol-proof paper cups with PE-coating are recommended to prevent leaking.

Additionally, some paper cups are reinforced by manufacturers, particularly at the base, to further prevent leakage when used to serve beverages with higher alcohol or fat content.

This added measure of security ensures that your drinks stay where they belong—in the hands of your guests, not on their clothes or your venue’s floor.

By taking these precautions, you can serve up a storm without fearing the drip-drop of escaping spirits, especially when paper cups start leaking.

Personalizing Paper Cups 🖌️

branded paper cups branded paper cups

Adding logos, designs, or company names to paper cups for your event goes beyond merely holding drinks—it enriches the service and makes certain the event’s branding is conveyed distinctly.

This personal touch has the power to turn an ordinary paper cup into a memorable part of the guest experience.

Adding interactive elements to customised paper cups, such as QR codes or tear-open coupon windows, can offer guests a more engaging experience during alcohol tastings or other beverage services.

Moreover, opting for Delipac’s plastic-free cup board allows for the creation of custom printed paper cups that are environmentally responsible.

This not only circumvents the EU Single Use Plastic Directive but also offers a sustainable messaging medium.

By elevating your event with personalised paper cups, you’re not just serving drinks—you’re crafting an experience that resonates with your guests and underscores your commitment to sustainability.

Designing for Impact 🎨

In the realm of designing custom paper cups, the nuances are what set them apart.

Some key points to consider are:

  • CMYK colours are commonly used for paper cup printing due to their ability to create a wide range of hues, making them cost-effective for designs with multiple colours.
  • This affordability is particularly beneficial when the design requires a multitude of colours without the need for exact colour precision.
  • For accurately representing photos and complex graphics, CMYK’s full colour process is key.
  • Converting Pantone colours to their CMYK equivalents can help maintain brand consistency on paper cups, though it’s worth noting that some colours, like bright oranges, may have slight discrepancies. Custom printed paper cups can be personalised with full-colour designs, logos, or branding to enhance the professional look and feel of the cups used for alcohol tastings at events.
  • Additionally, custom printed paper cups can be finished with either a matte or glossy finish, and complimentary design services are often available to assist customers with their branding needs.
  • When creating designs for paper cups, it’s important to account for the cup’s tapered shape to ensure that geometric shapes like circles and squares appear correctly. Design considerations should also include legibility concerns for small text and the proper use of bleed to avoid white lines at the edges of the cup.

Summary 📝

In the dance of paper cups and spirits, we’ve explored how the right choices—be it the cup’s material, coating, or design—can harmonise to elevate any event to a new level of sophistication and sustainability.

From understanding the importance of PE coating for stronger drinks to embracing the branding potential of customised cups, we’ve covered the spectrum of serving alcohol with paper cups.

As you embark on your next celebratory endeavour, remember that the cups you choose are not just containers—they are an integral part of the guest experience. So choose wisely, personalise boldly, and serve responsibly.

Frequently Asked Questions ❓

Can standard paper cups be used for any type of alcoholic beverage?

Standard paper cups are suitable for beverages with an alcohol content below 5%, but for drinks with a higher alcohol percentage, it’s best to use alcohol-proof paper cups to prevent leakage and ensure safe service.

What is the difference between PLA and PE-coated paper cups?

The main difference between PLA and PE-coated paper cups is that PLA coating is biodegradable and made from renewable resources, while PE coating provides better strength and leak resistance, making it ideal for beverages with over 5% alcohol content. Consider these factors when choosing the right type of coating for your paper cups.

Can I customise paper cups for an alcohol tasting event?

Yes, you can customise paper cups for an alcohol tasting event to enhance its professional look and effectively feature spirit brands.

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